Friday, February 20, 2015

My Professional Learning Network

Creating a Professional Learning Network has been an enlightening experience for me. I am truly amazed at the network I have created in 7 short weeks, considering where I started from. I was a teacher who refused to use social media in any form because I found it irritating. However, I never realized how much information and support there was for teachers outside of the classroom. I have connected to educators from every walk of life and already started to create a professional network that continues to grow every day.

Feedly is where I started with this new networking experience, which was a good starting point. I have found a lot of good articles and information pertaining to education. I also have a Diigo account, which I started at the beginning of the school year. I continue to use Diigo and add to my list of websites. Additionally, I created a Pinterest account. I found that Pinterest is one of the easiest ways to organize information into different categories.

However, the tool that I found the most useful was Twitter. I did not expect to like Twitter. I was someone who had a Twitter account for approximately a year and a half and sent out exactly zero tweets! In the past 7 weeks, I have now sent out almost 60 tweets. I have found Twitter to be a great tool to connect with other educators. I am astounded with all the information that is available beyond gossip. My comfort level with social media has skyrocketed. I am still a little overwhelmed with Twitter Chats. There is so much going one at one time, but I'll get the hang of it. I believe all educators need to get signed up to a few social media sites, and Twitter is a great place to start!

Here is why and how educators should use Twitter:

A glimpse at my Professional Learning Network:

Visit my Symbaloo:

So far, my professional network is small. But, I'm off to a good start!


  1. I can definitely relate to you on the experience of reflecting on PLN over the past 7 weeks. It was really fun and insightful to go back and look through the different tools we have created and expanded on. Twitter was also the tool I felt most improved in. I was terrified to make my first Tweet, and now I am excited to Tweet every night. I have learned so much from Twitter, but it was never a tool I cared to look into. I am so glad that I was required to start up my Twitter. It will be a tool that I continue to use in the future. Twitter chats are still a little scary for me too, but I feel with more experience I can feel more comfortable with them! I look forward to growing my social media use in the classroom and my professional network, but I agree we are off to a good start!

  2. Jen,

    It is definitely exciting to see what a difference an 8 week course can make!

  3. Jen,

    I also used Symbaloo to organize my PLN, I think it's such a great way to put all of your sites together in one place. I also use social media to connect with teachers from all over! It's crazy how helpful it can be...and a little addicting. I think it's important for teachers, too, to go beyond the walls of our building when seeking advice or help on something at school. I rely on my "teacher connections" via social media so often! It's great to have that community available whenever you need them.

  4. I used Symbaloo as well Melanie and Jen! I have learned about it all year through my computer teacher. I am an extreme visual leaner so symbaloo is perfect for me...and our students! It will become helpful throughout our MET to keep adding links. I wish I would have done this from day one though! I could have use it when I lost a link (before I created a G-Doc)! Very nice!

    I agree that the Twitter Chats were helpful to gain followers. Everyone is super open and friendly! I love it!

  5. Kim,

    I am so glad you discovered the value of Twitter. It is my favorite PLN. I find I make the most meaningful connections there. Just like you, I was a skeptic at first. Also just like you, I quickly began to feel that every educator should have a PLN. We live in a time whnyou really aren't a professional educator without one. Your PLN is off to a great start!

    Dr. Dell
